This is fascinating, Bertus! I, too, am s l o w. One of the few times my temper comes out is when I'm rushed. Phone calls are usually quite uncomfortable (for the other person) while I take however long it takes to answer a question. Long, silent pauses between question and answer are inevitably filled with "Are you still there?" I think you nailed it, that it's tied in with memory. I experience and remember in giant swaths. The input I receive in any given moment is tremendous. I am aware of so much more than a single object or individual. I'm going to spend some time paying attention to the way I remember and see what comes up. And I LOVE your moon card! I'd always felt an edginess in The Moon, but hadn't recognized it as anger. This makes so much sense! I am so grateful to have crossed paths with your brilliant mind here in the digital realms. 🤗

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Joining the slow club here! My body has a more rapid pace but my brain takes so much in, all the time, that I have to slow.everything.way.the.f.down in order to hear and feel the clear bells amidst the noise. Glad to be in good company. I’m grateful for your reflections Bertus and how time connects to memory. I’m inspired, like Jenna, to dig into this some more. Thank you!

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