A fitting and heartfelt tribute. Putting down an animal at the vet's is some kind of epiphany moment in a strange sort of way. Our cat is 16, so I'm wondering when ...

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Burying a creature once full of life is a terrible memory. As I lifted the cold, stiffened body of my small dog, Michelangelo's Pieta flashed in my mind. In that moment, I felt the dog's rigid limbs relax, like in the statue, a sense of peace settling over, as if the dog was relieved to have been found that October morning.

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Just beautiful. We share this realm with these furry companions for a moment, and when it's time for them to go it's just so hard. Perhaps because we know they're not just "pets" but sentient beings. Sorry for your loss.

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“You and I are the ones who have left…” So true and aching friend. Thank you for digging the hole with us, feeling that void in your words, and also the levity of a truth beyond our ego’s imagining. ❤️

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I was just thinking about you and missing your posts… and then noticed that somehow I wasn’t subscribed? How did that happen? I’m a paid subscriber!

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Well, a warm welcome back dear Kim! I had missed you a bit....

I wonder if more people sometimes unsub by accident, lately. Maybe the buttons have changed, I don't know....maybe a payment wasn't completed? You are now registered as free....

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“Life is not in us. It is us who are in life.

A slight difference.” But a metanoia, nonetheless.

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Beautiful tribute to Lilly. Wise words from your son. R.I.P. is now filled with new meaning. Arnold Mindell (founder of Process Work who died ~ and returned ~ last Monday) would agree.

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To Lilly’s return. Sending gentleness your way.

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Jun 13Liked by Bertus

Welcome home, Lilly. Cuddle you soon xx

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“Life is not in us. It is us who are in life.

A slight difference.”

What a beautifully wise reminder. What a deeply nourishing post. Thank you for pointing to the emptiness that is always made of fullness.

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