Ahh, Bertus, I can totally relate! I'm a world builder too. Everything I write seems to want to grow so big, it becomes overwhelming. Sometimes I get lost in my own worlds... I have written several novels that nobody's ever read..., some belonging to the same fantasy world. It's such a wondrous experience to be dragged along and sucked into a world through words, to witness an emerging world made up entirely of words on a page...

My non-fiction seems to be more popular... but who knows, one day I might publish my novels on substack too.

The world you are building sounds intriguing. I love the way you envisage its impact on your readers. I'm ready!

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So looking forward to reading this. I have no doubts that the seeds you water will birth world’s of discovery.

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Thanks, I can't wait to share more....

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Your honesty with oneself and how that feeds your creativity is always so refreshing.

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A wonderful description of what a writer strives for. Looking forward to your latest book.

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Thank you Virginia, you're in! When it gets printed you'll be on one of the pages.....

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As long as it isn't porn (eye-roll)

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