You said at one point that McGilchrist misses the point, but I don’t think you made it clear what that was. Perhaps I’m being thick

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Hey David, welcome to the spheres....I've been wondering if anyone would ask this question.

But no you are right, I didn't explain. It is the thing about his work that is the hardest to put into words. It has to do with how his attempt somehow tries to make the implicit explicit. In some sense it is the reason for this Substack, and lot of my posts try and approach this...

...but stick around I will keep trying...

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The fact that we are each of us two somewhat warring consciousnesses explains much.

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Hey Yoshi, could you say a bit more, I am not sure I get what you share...

do you mean the way I wrestle with the accepted ideas on consciousness?

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💡Lightbulb moment - dots connected - thanks Bertus. Running right out to steal a copy of The Master and his Emissary...

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Mar 2Liked by Bertus

So lovely to have this window into you beautiful bifurcated brain.

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Mar 16Liked by Bertus

Drawing your attention to this, if perhaps you've not yet seen: https://perspecteeva.substack.com/p/cross-with-the-hemispheres

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"The rift tearing this world in two does not just run through society. The line divides me too. The two halves are in me as much as they are around me. And that same abyss lies in you too. In every single individual." I find myself wanting to quote line after line after line here Bertus. Your prediction feels like springtime thaw and the earth and all her inhabitants couldn't be more ready for her arrival. Thank you for your deep thinking and shining wisdom. (And thank you for such a soaring conversation today. I have a 120 watt bulb in my heart that won't dim!)

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Thanks Bertus for this great explanation! Having just listened to Iain McGilchrist on youtube, I think I need to read his book(s) next. I totally agree. We need both sides, and preferably in symbiosis rather than in competition with each other.

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deletedMar 6Liked by Bertus
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Hey Laura, glad to be part your 'research'...

The emotional encounter I refer to in the post is finding/reading the book, not so much the encounter in person last week. Back then it was definitely a mix. But first of all relief. Finally someone who sees. I read the book with sceptic eagerness to see if he really got it. And somewhere halfway, slowly realising how right he was and how far reaching this was, and that it wasn't me who was off, or crazy, the anger flared up. A deep rage surfaced. Not aimed at anyone specific but the kind that energises action. I had been given permission to speak up, to be me. And now some days that anger is indistinguishable from joy. Like the rage that I can write with. What first was anger, is still the same energy but now it is no longer stuck, or aimed at. If that energy flows it is the best of all feelings. How the raging of a storm is also totally beautiful....

If anything the left hemisphere's attempts to hold things, to take out of context and divide, means that flow as I understand it becomes impossible. For me, emotion, music, colour, movement are always analogue first, always impure and containing a bundle of inseparable ingredients. Emotions for me are like chord progressions....difficult to analyse

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