Guardening the spheres
I will walk through walls. That’s a pledge
Not to be planned ahead. There is no clear starting point and no end. There is not even a path or a door yet. And I have chosen a means unsuitable. Words. Sentences. Descriptions. In a language not even mine. Unqualified at all possible levels.
I am not out to convince you or even myself of anything. This is an exploration. Not a voluntary one; I see no other way to keep moving. I don’t pretend to be a neutral observer; I am as implicated as anyone. We are stuck. Three words that massively fall short of catching the deep trouble us human animals have gotten ourselves into.
Is it the endgame? Where all the conscious careful moves determine the outcome? Or is that projection? Is it just our expectations on the big screen of hyperreal colours and details that keeps us mesmerised? Because endings often seem to coincide with beginnings I wish to let go of those images. Sack the representatives. Let them re-apply for new and meaningful jobs. Casting is open for the upcoming play, for tomorrow’s performance.
It is an artists job to trust the blank canvas. A writer knows that the empty page is often not empty at all. If we are not extremely vigilant the potential in front of our noses is easily replaced with what we already know, are comfortable with, with all the familiar holds. There is this constant threat of either repeating the same thing over and over, or not even bothering to pick up the brush, or the pen. The artist does the opposite of gathering data, it may be part of the run-up towards the act, but the act itself excludes by default information. A difficult position in a lost world. In a society grabbing for hold. Information is not going to help us. Not in this phase.
Either/or, is one of the the habits I want to adres. Among many other uncomfortable truths about our limited ways as the smartest creatures ever.
It’s not by coincidence I chose a non existing word to label this little realm you have entered.
I hope you intuitively sense its meaning, and I intend to expand on that in the coming writings. As I will invite you deeper into my imagery and perspective by telling stories of inner and outer experiences. Lots of words are yet unwritten or forgotten.
I am a hands on man. My rootedness in the material allows me to travel deep into the spirit. They are one and the same. It is one and the same. Let us go beneath the surface of the physical to strengthen the relation you and I have to this world.
I will walk through walls because my holistic being longs to remove the artificial limits put in place. There is to need to invent a system. The boundaries are already set and they are of a different kind. Almost strange to us by now. They seem far away, vague, difficult to reach. These pages try to uncover them. To excavate their roots from under the concrete and replant them. Allow them to shoot up into the sunlight. These hedges create divisions that serve life. You are invited to come along and also do some seeding and planting and watering.
So, what to expect?
Many spheres. Stories about building, about painting pictures, growing food, philosophy, felting, sewing, learning, fear, imagination, drumming, creation, tools, cooking, medicine, organising, gathering, flow, nakedness, dresses and wood and weeds and water....
...not as separate things, much more on how they relate when ignoring the artificial walls we have build. And yes I’m a thinker, expect some unconventional theories, out to sabotage the insane normal. More than anything I wish to write love songs on this shared reality.
Guardening the spheres is a job offer, a role available for the coming play. We have a new culture to grow, a new cycle lies waiting...
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Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Place comments and read others. Beautiful connections could grow from there. And receiving feedback (much more direct than when publishing on paper) makes me a better writer.
So, why go paid?
Then you are really enabling me to keep going. More importantly it is a ticket to the gathering, getting backstage access to the festival that is my novel. Read along with the slow unfolding of a big story. The book is called TCOTNK, a title that doesn’t give any clue about the content. But all the other posts are meant to lure you in. If you’ve gotten this far it’s a small step to fully join the crew.
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